Why are so many people retiring to South Carolina?

Why are so many people retiring to South Carolina?

If you’ve ever shoveled snow for months straight, South Carolina looks pretty attractive right about now. The warm weather, plethora of recreation options, and the smiling faces are enough to make you want to live here. But throw in low property taxes and reasonable house prices, and you’ve got a real winning combination.

Greenville was recently ranked No. 1 among South Carolina cities for retirees in a recent Clever study. Greenville received high recreation scores, good scores for local retirement homes and maintained a property tax rate at nearly half the national average.

South Carolina has the fifth-highest net retiree migration in the United States, according to the 2020 Census.

It’s no wonder retirees are making the move to South Carolina.

Story credit to: mailservice.mirabelsmarketingmanager.com/view-in-browser/eyJjbGlkIjoiNjI3Iiwid2lkIjozNDAsImZpZCI6IjRjNTkwNWQxLWZmNTYtNDNkZi04MGM0LTg2YTM5MjMxYzdlNyIsImVtYWlsaWQiOiJoZWF0aGVyQGxhd3llcmxpc2EuY29tIiwiY3BuaWQiOjEyMH0=

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